LTG, 7 pm, Tue, 12 Jan
Bengali, 90 minutes
Director: Ashim Das
Playwright: Jean Giraudoux
Chaillor Unmaadinee, The Mad Woman of Chaillot is a poetic satire by French dramatist Jean Giraudoux, written in 1943 and first performed in 1945, after his death. The play opens with a group of promoters plotting to tear up Paris to unearth the oil that one of them believes to have located in the neighborhood. These grandiose plans come to the attention of ‘The Madwoman of Chaillot’ who is ostensibly insane but who is soon shown to be the very essence of practical worldly goodness and common sense. She along with other ‘mad’ women of Paris and the underdogs of society thwart the plans of the culprits. One by one, she sends them, lured by the scent of oil and undreamed of riches, into a bottomless pit which opens out of her cellar. This expulsion of the wicked is accompanied by the return of joy, justice and love to the world. The Waiter/Prospector-3: Pappu
The Little Man/Policeman/Adolph Bertaut: Swajan
The Vagabond/ Professor/Pierre: Arafat
The Prospector: Rahat
The President/ Sewer-Man/Press Agent 1: Sujat
The Baron/Josephine (The Mad Women Of La Concord)/Lady 2: Utpol
The Street Singer/Flower Girl/Lady 3: Saju
The Rag Picker/Prospector 2: Jitu
The Deaf Mute: Tapos
Irma: Polly
The Shoelac/Customer/President 2/Press Agent 2/Doorman: Hasib Jardin/Customer/President 3/Press Agent 3/Adolph Bertaut: Ripon
Countess Aurelia (The Mad Woman Of Chaillot): Ankhi
The Sergeant: Sharnil
Mme Constance (The Mad Woman Of Passy)/Customer/Lady 1: Boby
Mme Gabrielle (The Mad Woman of Sulpice)/Customer: Borna

Set & Properties: Al Nomaan/Sujat/Tapos
Paintings Aniket Bhattacharjee/Ripon/Pappu
Music Rashed/Saimon
Make up Aniket Bhattacharjee/Rahat
Hair-style Boby/Polly
Production Control Showmen Rudra/Parvej
Stage Manager: Tilottoma Sengupta
Translation: Kabir Chowdhury [from the English translation by Maurice Valency]
Acknowledgements : The Director, Alliance Francaise, Chittagong and Professor Zia Hyder, Department of Dramatics, University of Chittagong.
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