LTG, 7 & 9.30pm, Thu, 14 Jan
Japanese with subtitles, 70 minutes
Direction: Yasuki Fujita
Text and Concept: Shino Kuraishi
Known for its Becketian absurdity and stark, striking aesthetic, ARICA Performance Company presents its critically acclaimed show that follows a day in the life of a humble train station kiosk worker. Fierce physical repetition and live electronic music unfold the complex layers of the human body’s relationship to labour in the surreal Kiosk, awarded Best Solo Performance at the 2005 Cairo International Experimental Theatre Festival. The protagonist’s repetitive body movement is sometimes abstracted to a point of childish simplicity, yet in doing so, it gets closer to expressing something essentially human; just as a young child repeats its physical movements without consciously trying to express meaning, but rather unconsciously conveying life. Performed by: Tomoko ANDO
Original Music Composed & Performed by: Osamu Saruyama & Eijiro Takahashi
Production Staff:
Technical Director: Koro Suzuki
Stage Manager: Koichi Miyata
Lighting Designer: Naoki Kinoshita (Factor Inc)
Sound Designer: Yuichi Tanaka (Sound Wedge, Inc)
Video Designer:  Yuri Suyama
Costume Designer: Yoko Ando (Nuno)
Assistant Costume Designer: Naoya Watabe
Scenic Designer: Koro Suzuki
Assistant Scenic Designer: Keita Sawada
Props Master: Eijiro Takahashi (Mechanical Devices), Mitsuru Katsumoto (Duster)
Photographer: Ryuji Miyamoto
Producer: Keizo Maeda
Text And Concept By: Shino Kuraishi
Directed And Designed By: Yasuki Fujita
KIOSK by ARICA are supported by the Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan in the fiscal year 2009-2010.
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